Thursday, May 31, 2007


Hello guys! I know, I know, I just took off. Just like that. And now I'm back. Just like that.

Some of you have e-mailed me telling me to blog again. I just saw the e-mails recently and touch naman ako. Thank you. It means a lot to me.

I do have a tendency to just take off without warning. At that time, I got busier, okay, I also got hooked on Grey's Anatomy, Prison Break, House, Ugly Betty, and more recently, Brothers and Sisters. Damn it, the shows are brilliant! They are now part of my life and it's never the same.

Not with House saying "You don't die with dignity, you live with it" or the Merder, Burkina, Izzie-George-Callie chuvahness or America Ferrera's endearing character and WENTWORTH MILLER!

Please someone please tell me Wenty is not gay! I spent hours researching about his background, looking for traces of gayness. So what if he was with the Princeton Tigers or some college choir, or if he's always single but oh my God when I saw that cheerleading episode in Popular (a short lived TV series in the 90's that I used to watch in highschool) on U-tube, I died. He has denied he's gay but he was sooo convincing as a gay highschool student and cheerleading instructor. I cannot reconcile the fact that Michael Scoffield and Wenty's gay character in Popular are one and the same person.

That Scoffield look, that voice, that bod...means nothing to me now. Prison Break is no longer as hot. But hey, I'll still watch it. I'll try my best to erase that cheerleading episode from my memory.

So there, those are my concerns at the moment, haha. And oh, some of you may have already noticed, I have shifted from showbiz to hard news. Why? Will blog about that next time. :)